I’m not liberal. I’m not conservative. I’m not a democrat. I’m not a republican.
Stop asking me to choose a side.
Don’t ask me to divide my community. There is no us and them. I’m a human. You’re a human. And anyone who operates without the utmost respect for the humanity of others has to be held accountable for such behavior.
That’s why Rahm Emanuel has to go down.
Rahm Emanuel has to go down now.
If you haven’t kept up to date on his antics… read the following article by Kerry Eleveld of the Daily Kos:
View from the left—how Rahm’s demise would signal the defeat of Clinton-era centrism
Everyone that was involved with the suppression of the video of Laquan McDonald’s death has got to go down. I don’t care if it’s the entire public workforce of the City of Chicago. I don’t care if it’s my momma. These individuals are complicit in committing a crime.
You better believe that if I tried to hide a murder tape to protect someone I know they’d put me *under* the jail. And they would lock up anyone else who tried to help me just as quickly.
We have a choice to make:
Should hold Rahm Emmanuel accountable for his actions and/or inactions in response to the murder of Laquan McDonald?
Or not?
For our brothers and sisters in Chicago… for Laquan… I hope that you choose to stand for humanity.
Please share the hashtag #DownWithRahm across all social media.
Rahm Emmanuel should no longer be given the trust or the respect due to a mayor of our most important Midwestern city.
We cannot allow those in seats of political, social, and economic power to abuse that privilege in the name of personal or institutional authority.
We deserve better than that.