Why Black People Tend To Shout
Alright folks.
There seems to be some confusion about this.
It seems that some of you still don't understand why black folks seem to be so "worked up" all the time. Well... try living in a world that has repeatedly shown you that it hates the color of your skin. Imagine feeling like that almost your entire life. Imagine feeling that hatred in the smallest and most innocuous ways as you get your morning coffee. Imagine seeing that hatred manifest in the most diabolical ways possible. Imagine knowing that your ancestors, the people that are responsible for you living and breathing, faced much… much worse.
Does that seem harsh?
It should. Because it's harsh as fuck.
Imagine feeling that your humanity means nothing in the face of the hatred of your skin. Imagine spending your life trying to figure out why your humanity has never been good enough. Imagine watching those who believe themselves to be "white" lead lives that are free of such tortuous ruminations.
Now ask the woman next to you why she seems to be all "worked up" all the time. She'll probably remind you that she’s living in a world where men treat her as nothing more than a sexual device. She'll also wonder why men have chosen to ignore her rightful place as the supreme protector of humanity.
Now take a deep breath and get settled. This one might floor you.
Imagine that your mother, your wife, your sister, and your daughter are all black women. Imagine how angry you would be if you had to watch the women that you love endure a lifetime of unnecessary suffering because of the melanin in their skin and the eggs in their wombs.
Now imagine that God decided that you should be a black woman.
Imagine that she decided that you should be a black woman because she knew that your humanity and your spirit were gonna be strong enough to endure epic amounts of bullshit. Imagine that she decided to give you extra props for being fabulous as fuck while doing it.
Yeah. Imagine being THAT strong. (artwork courtesy of Amina Lei)
So… if after all of that... you still don't get why WHY BLACK PEOPLE TEND TO SHOUT...
Fuck it... it doesn't matter anyway.
We'll always love ya... cuz' we love everybody... but it's gonna be hard for us to get along.